Have you ever watched a beloved Disney movie that you enjoyed as a kid at the age you're at now? Did you ever think to yourself, "Dear god, how did I not pick up on these sexual references before?" Subtle messages are hidden in movies, videos, advertisments, and all other outlets of media and entertainment. Child friendly? E rating? I think not! It's funny that you don't see through it all until you have grown up. I find myself going through and playing Harvest Moon as an example at times and I just have to laugh at myself. I would never understand these juicy innuendos as a kid. I actually rather appreciate the sentiment, for it makes things appropriate for a younger audience, but it allows an older audience to enjoy it as well.
I notice this more then anything else in video games. There are several games out there that have managed to get an E rating, but still squeeze in plenty of not so "e rated" themes. Here's a few pictures that depict perfectly what it is I'm saying:
Nabooru is a dirty, dirty Gerudo! Tiny hole... *ahem*. She also mentions to Link (who, by the way is 10 at the time) that she will give him a special "reward" if he gets her what she wants. o_o A white van with "free candy" painted on the side would have sufficed, Nabooru. When Link travels through time 7 years, Nabooru comments:
"If I’d known you would have grown up to look this good, I would have kept my promise."
If that's not disturbing to you, then I don't know what is...
Nintendo, I don't know why you insist on shattering my fragile innocent childhood.
Zelda is great for creating many, many, MANY innuendos... I will do a separate post for this at some point.
Hell, who am I kidding, Nintendo is great for this.. greatest trolls ever.
Ah.. I have not played Tales of Legendia in years. A great game that I'd recommend, and not just for sexual innuendos.. such as this one. The beauty of this joke is that I doubt Norma would ever think to herself, "that's what he said." Meanwhile, Jay and Will will sit there like a bunch of smug bastards giggling to themselves like school girls. Tales of Legendia isn't exactly an E rated game... but I thought this one was a good example regardless. Will doesn't let anybody else manage his junk! *wink wink*
I'm not going to say that this one didn't make me slightly disturbed/burst out into laughter when I saw it. Harvest Moon is by far one of the most "innocent" games that is out there in terms of friendliness for kids. Ironically enough, it's a game that is chopped full of hilarious sexual innuendos. For a game that pushes "good old fashioned values", things sure are getting raunchy with these ladies in Mineral Town! I wonder if Rick, Cliff, Kai, Doctor, and Gray would be upset if they found out that they weren't invited.
Nintendo.. you are at it again. Pokemon is by far the worst (and best) game for sexual innuendos. I may have to make a separate blog post for this. There are mountains of priceless photos like this.There is no doubt that one of the most loved series of times would be littered with innuendos, especially as Pokemon keeps attracting an older, and older audience. This is just character dialogue! The deal gets even sweeter when you throw in the customized (and sexual) names of your Pokemon. You are not only the greatest Pokemon trainer in the land, but you are also great with the ladies. ;D
Now that I have successfully managed to throw your minds in the gutter.. you're welcome!
I'm thinking I'll just do this for a few blog posts, like I said.. Zelda and Pokemon are absolutely littered sneaky references and not so child friendly language. Next time you're reliving a movie or game from your childhood, be on the look out for the hidden "adult spin" of things. You're guaranteed to find one.... or two.