So, this list is from tumblr. But, I really love the idea of this challenge... and I love Resident Evil. I will most likely be posting my answers on this blog and also on tumblr.. but I thought that this would also give me a good chance to use my blog. I think I'll use my blog to talk about the answers a bit more extensively, but will use tumblr to post a short answer of it all. I will not be doing these thirty days in a row exactly, but I will answer them all and they will all get their own blog post per answer. I did change a few of these questions to better suit it to ones that I could answer. Stay tuned!
Day 1: Favorite RE game?
Day 2: Least favorite villain?
Day 3: Most underrated male character?
Day 4: How many RE games do you own? How many have you currently beaten?
Day 5: Favorite female character?
Day 6: Favorite weapon?
Day 7: Least favorite male character?
Day 8: What was the first RE game you played?
Day 9: Favorite creature?
Day 10: Most underrated female character?
Day 11: What part in the games scared you the most?
Day 12: Favorite villain?
Day 13: Was there any parts in the games that made you laugh?
Day 14: Favorite male character?
Day 15: Do you prefer the zombies or creatures infected with Las Plagas?
Day 16: Least favorite female character?
Day 17: Favorite boss battle?
Day 18: Least favorite RE game?
Day 19: Do you own any RE merchandise besides the games?
Day 20: Least favorite creature?
Day 21: Best line someone has said throughout the game series?
Day 22: Least favorite boss battle?
Day 23: What’s the highest score in Mercenaries you’ve ever gotten?
Day 24: Who would you most likely to see as a couple?
Day 25: What do you think is the most challenging RE game?
Day 26: Leon or Chris?
Day 27: Favorite concept art from RE?
Day 28: Least favorite weapon?
Day 29: Have you cried at any parts of the games?
Day 30: Anything else you want to talk about that’s related to RE?
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