Thursday, January 7, 2016

The 30 Day Resident Evil Challenge - Day 15

Q: Do you prefer the zombies or creatures infected with Las Plagas?

A: Zombies


Zombies all the way! They remind of more classic Resident Evil. Fighting zombies makes it have a more horror feel instead of like I'm playing a shooter. 

The villagers infected with Las Plagas in Resident Evil 4 were bearable, but it got sort of ridiculous fighting infected soldier enemies in Resident Evil 5 and 6. It just took away from what I'm used to thinking of when I think of Resident Evil. If I wanted to fight soldiers, I'd play some Call of Duty

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The 30 Day Resident Evil Challenge - Day 14

Q: Favorite male character?

A: Leon Kennedy.

Leon Kennedy.

Leon Kennedy.

Leon Kennedy.

Leon Kennedy.

Leon Scott Kennedy.

Friday, January 1, 2016

The 30 Day Resident Evil Challenge - Day 13

Q: Were there any parts in the games that made you laugh? 

 A: Yes! Plenty.


Let's make a list...

  1. Everything Leon says, for starters. His one liners are classic. 
  2. Mostly everything Leon does, also. Such as nearly strangling Ada to death before apologizing, his realization that nobody ever listens to him, telling Claire "it's over" before immediately following up with "it's never over!" and his beyond AWFUL driving abilities.
  3. When Leon rejects Ashley at the end of Resident Evil 4. Owned. 
  4. Leon's hair being absolutely fucking fabulous no matter what is going on around him. 
  5. Hiding Ashley in trash cans.. where she belongs.
  6. Shooting Ashley for fun when you're tired of her dumb ass. 
  7. The fact that Salazar can actually take himself seriously, because LOL. 
  8. Wesker taking himself seriously, because LOL. 
  9. Saddler's giant tentacle penis.. thing.
  10. The Resident Evil 4 merchant. He is both extremely bad ass and goofy.
  11. Ada being an icy bitch and loving it. 
  12. Barry's attempts at being a cool dude, but really, he's just good at bad dad jokes. Gotta love Barry.
  13. Jake asking for an absurd amount of money and then being all, "Nah, I'm good." 
  14. Claire's "Claire Sandwich" joke. Oh my god. The. Best.
  15. When Helena actually thought she had a chance with Leon against Ada. HA. 
  16. The calling out system while playing cooperatively in Resident Evil 5 and 6. Annoying the absolute shit out of your partner with it is definitely one of the best feelings ever.
  17. Chris' boulder punching shenanigans. That's ridiculous. 
  18. Raymond Vester and that STUPID hair. 
  19. Unlocking the rocket launcher and then just playing god and blowing everything to smithereens. 


The list goes on and I hope that never ever changes. 

The 30 Day Resident Evil Challenge - Day 12

Q: Favorite villain?

A: Carla Radames (Resident Evil 6)


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Simmons crossed the wrong woman and sure found out the hard way. Carla's way of getting revenge and taking out her hatred and jealousy is what made her the perfect villain. It's impressive that she managed to do more damage on a wide scale in her one appearance as a villain than Wesker ever did in his several appearances. This girl wanted destruction, and she sure got her wish.

On her path of destruction she manages to create nearly every B.O.W. seen throughout Resident Evil 6, including Ustanak and Haos. She infected nearly the entire population of China, turning them into zombies. She's responsible for Ustanak chasing Jake and Sherry, for Chris' men getting killed in Edonia, and obviously, for Ada's identity crisis. While all of this is going on, she still has time to make the C-Virus even more powerful, to fool Derek Simmons and to form Neo Umbrella. 

Carla is perfect because she wasn't destined for destruction, but then everything happening around her made her into the villain that she was. Her seemingly simple goal of destroying Derek Simmons and everything he stood for turned into something much, much more complicated. 

The 30 Day Resident Evil Challenge - Day 11

Q: What part in the games scared you the most?

Jump scares usually get me. Especially dogs jumping through windows, or Hunters all of a sudden charging me. But that's more of a game mechanic more than it is a "part" or "moment."

I can't think of anything specifically, because Resident Evil doesn't really scare me. But, it sure does keep me on the edge of my seat and creates a nice challenge that keeps me alert and aware, but also paranoid. I feel as if the Resident Evil franchise has always been good at surprising me. Capcom never fails on delivering the unexpected when I least expect it! 

The worst thing is thinking I'm safe.. and realizing I'm not. Being chased by enemies when I'm ridiculously low on ammo or health. Trying to take down a boss I think is going to be near impossible. It delivers a sense of panic that's hard to describe. 

Resident Evil is always best played late at night with the lights off to add to the atmosphere!