Monday, May 9, 2011

Sheik VS Link

 Now.. I am in no way, shape, or form a "fan girl". I don't watch enjoy hentai or fantasize about characters that do not exist, nor do I have anything against anybody who does. But I always get the question, "If you could theoretically have the hots for a video game character, who would it be?" I get that question a lot... for whatever reason. I haven't done a video game post in awhile, so I thought I'd answer this question, and that I'd also put through a battle/comparison between two of my tough choices. I'm going to think about Link and Sheik as if they were real people, so here we go!


Why I love him:  

1. He's so mysterious.. which makes him intriguing. One minute he's there... one minute he's not. It makes you want to know where he is.. when you'll see him again. The sneaky bastard also always knows where you are.. seriously, how the hell does that work?! He's just like the guy that you could never have.

2. He plays the harp. It's so bad ass, yet so beautiful and soothing. Seriously, I don't know of anybody who plays the harp.. and goddamnit, he looks so good doing it.  

3. He's nimble and fast. Everybody loves a man who's nimble and in shape if you catch my drift. ;) All joking aside though, he just seems like he could run forever and he'd never run out of breath. I think this adds to the mysteriousness of his character as a whole. I also like somebody who's not a complete clutz, and Sheik seems far from a clutz.

4. He seems like this own character. I know that a lot of people are going to say, "What are you a lesbian? You do know that Sheik's really Princess Zelda right?" Yes of course I know this. But because Sheik is only in OoT, it doesn't seem that way. He feels unique, and maybe I was the only one, but when I was a kid I honestly didn't know that Zelda and Sheik were one in the same. When I found out I was a little heart broken actually! ;_; But because Zelda and Sheik seem so different.. I've always considered Sheik and Zelda two different people, although I know that in reality they're the same person. 

5. There's not enough of him!  I think part of the reason Sheik has always intrigued me is because he's only in one game out of all the games in the Zelda title.  I starve for more of him, I want moooooooooooooooar! I focus so much on the one and only Sheik that I know, and I cling on to him. Not in a.. "creepy fan/stalker girl way" but I do so because it's the only image and side of Sheik I have to go on.



Why I love him: 

1. He looks good in a skirt. Look... I don't know to explain this, BUT IT'S THE TRUTH OKAY?! Link's tunic is sexy as hell. In fact, I love his outfit so much that he'd be the only character I'd ever consider cosplaying. I don't know any man in real life who looks good in a skirt... or kilts for that matter. Blegh. 

2. I've always enjoyed his voice.  Again, don't ask me why this is. But his voice has always just sounded so.... suiting. Link is a silent character, but if he could talk I can imagine he'd have a nice voice.. manly, but not too manly. Still sexy though! Even if they did change his voice from version to version, it still stayed relatively enjoyable and suiting to his character. 

3. He's a good looking  bunch of pixels. I think this one is pretty explainable. But his figure, his sandy blonde hair, paired with some piercings and a nice face..... <3 If he was a real person, you bet your ass he'd be some hot stuff. 

4. He's a true hero! Link never complains and gets his shit done! Link's not trying to rescue his Princess who'd much rather be in the company of a certain dinosaur.. hell no! He's always doing something for his friends or for his Kingdom. A hero is somebody who acts for others, and not for himself. 

5. You can relate to the guy, and he'd probably make a great friend. Because Link really does act for others.. I feel that you can easily relate to the guy. Any person would do something for their friends if asked, or go out of their way for their girl. Many would want to keep their family/town safe or save their Kingdom in any way that they could. He'll help those in need, and he gets to tend to his sense of adventure at the same time. As a child (in OoT) I always felt myself saying, "Oh man Link.. I feel bad for you," being that he was so lonely and confused. I think we all feel like that sometimes. Link's a type of guy that'd you want to sit down and talk with. If he talked, I bet he could tell you some wicked stories. He'd always have your back. 


Phew! Well.. that was long. I feel that I maybe didn't need to explain things that much, but I always like to tell people the reason behind things that I say. Maybe I put too much emphasis on people, and they should just remain a bunch of pixels. Maybe you don't agree with me, and have never felt a connection to a character, or thought to yourself "I wonder what they'd be like if they were a real person?" If that's the case then you probably thought this whole blog was strange and a huge waste of time.

Feel free (if you're comfortable with it) to answer the question "If you could theoretically have the hots for a video game character, who would it be?" I won't judge and I'd love to hear some input/answers. Also, do you like Sheik or Link more.. and why? Thanks for reading everybody!


  1. I agree. I'm a big fan of Link for all the same reasons pretty much. :)

  2. i am a boy and i like the harvest goddess in harvest moon in my opinion
