Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Update: 3 Months Post Accutane Treatment

Now while I was fairly inconsistent with my monthly progress throughout my Accutane treatment, I did successfully document videos and photos of the first four months of my five month treatment (even even it wasn't in a timely manner!)

I was able to stop Accutane a month early, and stopped taking Accutane in early July 2013. After seeing the dermatologist in mid July, it was decided that my treatment was finished, and that the results I had hoped to see had been achieved. For the last three months, I have been enjoying my acne free life. I was told that side effects can take up to three months to completely clear up, which is why I'm making this update now.



This photo was taken a few years ago, but shows my acne on a good day!

This was me in the first week of treatment.


Me on an average day in the present day!


As you can see, the results are quite dramatic, and I couldn't be happier. I have the skin I've always wanted. I have no need to wear make up to cover up any unsightly acne, I don't have to worry about breaking out, and I no longer have to deal with painful pimples. I haven't had a single major breakout since I stopped treatment, nor have I even had any little pimples coming up anywhere. I've also saved money on buying different face washes and other topical ointments and creams.

I would recommend Accutane to anybody who is struggling with unsightly or painful acne. Accutane saved me from deep scarring, and significantly improved my self esteem. I can't imagine how my face would look today if I had chosen not to start taking Accutane. 

Side Effects

I'd like to briefly talk about some of the side effects that I personally expierenced while taking Accutane and when I started to notice them clearing up after I stopped the treatment. Keep in mind that I am not a doctor, and you should always consult with a medical professional before you consider starting Accutane.

Some of the major side effects that I had to overcome with taking accutane included:
  • Drying of the eyes, lips, skin, scalp (dandruff) and nostrils.
  • Headaches
  • Dehydration
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue

Within the first month of stopping, I noticed that my skin wasn't nearly as dry, and it was no longer peeling. My lips were still dry, but not nearly on the level that they were during treatment. My scalp wasn't flaking nearly as much, and my hair started to get oily again. I was able to hold in more of the hydration that I was getting from drinking water, so I found that I wasn't getting nearly as many headaches as I used to. I didn't have to keep getting a blood test or urine test done every month either, which was just one less thing to worry about!

At the present date, everything is as it was before I started treatment. All of the side effects that I had have now cleared up. My skin doesn't feel (or look) dry anymore, my lips are a bit chapped because of the cold weather, but it's nothing major.. and my scalp no longer flakes. I only have to see the dermatologist if a problem arises, but so far, so good! 

If you have any questions about my Accutane experience  or have your own story feel free to leave it in a comment!


  1. It is quite nice to read your experiences ..thanks for sharing

  2. Hi just wondering what dosage you were on?
    I have mild persistent acne and I'm a week into my treatment. Currently taking 10mg/day for the first month; aside from being extremely oily and getting more spots than usual, there's no difference yet.

    1. I was on 50mg/daily for my whole 6 month treatment.

  3. Your skin looks so amazing!!! Well done for getting through the treatment.
    I'm on week 2 of mine and am quite nervous for what the months ahead may bring. After reading your posts, I'm ready for it!!! Can't wait for the days that I can go out without makeup!

    1. Well good luck to you! It'll be a tough road ahead in the coming months I think, but if you see it through to the end.. it'll definitely be worth it.
