Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The 30 Day Resident Evil Challenge - Day 2

Q: Least favorite villain?

A: Jack Norman (Resident Evil: Revelations)


It was hard for me to pick my least favorite because there are a lot that I'm not fond of. I almost forgot about this guy because he's just so.. forgettable. Most Resident Evil villains at the very least have some sort of redeeming feature, but I can't really think of any with Mr. Norman. A lot of notable villains leave a lasting impression. You hate them, but you also like them in your own sort of twisted way. Without them, the story wouldn't be the same. I really feel like none of these things are true or apply to Jack Norman's character or his role in Revelations.

Throughout most of the game, he's not even really the main focus and seems to be more of a sub villain who only really becomes prominent in the late game. Then you fight him at the end of the game and you're saying to yourself, "Oh... okay. Sure. Why not, I guess?" Not to mention that the battle against this guy is ridiculous, tedious and frustrating. He pulled out all of the cheap shots all at once.

The back story that you learn about him throughout the course of the story is also very dry. Lastly, I'm annoyed at the fact that his only real reason for bio terrorism is because "the world and the people in it are bad" and "because I can." Of course, there is also a bit of a revenge angle as well, but in comparison to what some other prominent Resident Evil villains wanted.. his motives just seem, well, lame. 

Resident Evil: Revelations has so many redeemable features.. but this guy was lousy. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

The 30 Day Resident Evil Challenge - Day 1

Q: Favorite Resident Evil game?

A: Resident Evil 4. 


Resident Evil 4 is arguably my favorite game in the Resident Evil franchise. It was the first game in the Resident Evil series that I played. It was also the first "scary" game that I played and also introduced me to the genre of modern day survival horror. To me, Resident Evil 4 plays a huge part into what influenced me to play what it is that I play today. 

When I played it as a younger kid, I definitely wasn't any good at it. But I remember being absolutely mesmerized by the game nonetheless. Leon Kennedy was my first real (and also most long standing) big video game crush. It's a game that I find myself able to easily talk about with other people who also share the love of this game. 

I'm not going to argue that Resident Evil 4 is the best game in the entire franchise, but to me, it has a special place in my heart and has remained my favorite since it game out over 10 years ago. Even though I think that nostalgia plays a big part in my love of the game, I honestly believe that it would be a game that I would love regardless of if I had played it as a young girl or as an adult.

I always try my very hardest to try and convince others who may not have played Resident Evil or those who may not be sold on this game to give it a try. 


Sunday, June 14, 2015

The 30 Day Resident Evil Challenge

So, this list is from tumblr. But, I really love the idea of this challenge... and I love Resident Evil. I will most likely be posting my answers on this blog and also on tumblr.. but I thought that this would also give me a good chance to use my blog. I think I'll use my blog to talk about the answers a bit more extensively, but will use tumblr to post a short answer of it all. I will not be doing these thirty days in a row exactly, but I will answer them all and they will all get their own blog post per answer. I did change a few of these questions to better suit it to ones that I could answer. Stay tuned!

Day 1: Favorite RE game?
Day 2: Least favorite villain?
Day 3: Most underrated male character?
Day 4: How many RE games do you own? How many have you currently beaten?
Day 5: Favorite female character?
Day 6: Favorite weapon?
Day 7: Least favorite male character?
Day 8: What was the first RE game you played?
Day 9: Favorite creature?
Day 10: Most underrated female character?
Day 11: What part in the games scared you the most?
Day 12: Favorite villain?
Day 13: Was there any parts in the games that made you laugh?
Day 14: Favorite male character?
Day 15: Do you prefer the zombies or creatures infected with Las Plagas?
Day 16: Least favorite female character?
Day 17: Favorite boss battle?
Day 18: Least favorite RE game?
Day 19: Do you own any RE merchandise besides the games?
Day 20: Least favorite creature?
Day 21: Best line someone has said throughout the game series?
Day 22: Least favorite boss battle?
Day 23: What’s the highest score in Mercenaries you’ve ever gotten?
Day 24: Who would you most likely to see as a couple?
Day 25: What do you think is the most challenging RE game?
Day 26: Leon or Chris?
Day 27: Favorite concept art from RE?
Day 28: Least favorite weapon?
Day 29: Have you cried at any parts of the games?
Day 30: Anything else you want to talk about that’s related to RE?